Is this you?
It has been over a year since your world came crashing down.
When you think back to “D day” you can still feel your stomach churn BUT
simultaneously, you are so incredibly grateful for how far you and your husband have come.
And rightfully so!
You should be so proud of yourself!
In my 25 years of working with couples, I can tell you that affair recovery is an arduous journey and one that not many women are brave enough to take.
It is easier to walk away & stuff it down, than to face the betrayal and hurt that are festering in your heart.
But you?
You have decided to let your beautiful, loving and courageous spirit shine forth and have chosen to face the hurt and work to rebuild your marriage.
If it has been more than a year since the affair, I am guessing that some days are good – great even!
BUT … other days…
A darkness seems to descend out of nowhere, leaving you feeling like you are reliving those early moments – lashing out in anger, feeling hurt and hopeless.
Because you are a high-achiever, you have done your research and consumed every bit of information you can about affair recovery and self-improvement.
You have watched my webinar.
You have done counseling.
You have completed the free 5-Day Kickstart.
And OVERALL, you ARE feeling better and doing better…
But you aren’t as far in your recovery journey as you had hoped you would be by now.
And the part of you that believes the affair CAN and WILL be a powerful stimulus for rebuilding a beautiful partnership with your love is being challenged more and more with each passing month
You would LOVE to ELIMINATE the ups and downs, the opening and closing and the back and forth that you are still feeling in your heart
But you aren’t sure where to go next and thoughts start to creep in “this is just the way it is after an affair”.
If that is you, I want you to know that you are not alone and what you want is 100% possible!!!
You can FULLY heal your marriage and make strides towards your vision of a happy and joyful relationship where:
👉you are excited when your husband walks in the door, instead of relieved that he is no longer out of your sight
👉you relish deep conversations about your hopes and dreams, instead of fearing that you will be triggered into visions of the affair by anything more than surface level conversation
👉you have profoundly intimate time together without even a thought about the AP
👉the blaming and shaming are things of the past, and you feel ZERO need to ask questions about the affair
Doesn’t that sound glorious?
You can have all of that and more!
If you are ready to take the next step in your healing journey, I invite you to schedule a breakthrough call with me so we can chat more!
Wishing you all the best,
Dr. Shawn Haywood

About Dr. Shawn Haywood
Dr. Shawn Haywood is the founder of Reimagine Love. She is a classically trained therapist, as well as a life and marriage coach, who loves to work with women and couples to help them heal fully after an affair. Over the past 25 years, she has helped thousands of women move from the cycle of disconnect to one of unbreakable love and connection, while healing fully after infidelity, in a fraction of the time of traditional marriage counseling.
Where to NEXT?
